July 9, 2021

The Baker

A few weeks ago at a multi-family garage sale Ava wanted to bring some of her baked goods to sell along side all our "treasures" (never junk....one man's trash, another man's treasure).  I figured, "sure, why not.  If none of it sells, there are a plethora of children that will happily consume the leftovers."  She decided to make chocolate chip cookies, I mean who doesn't love a good CC cookie?  My little over-achiever, however, wasn't satisfied with just cookies.

"Mom," she asked, "could I make cake pops too?"

Uhhhh.....I don't know if those will sell.

"Please?  Can I try?"

I guess so.

She baked her little heart out, wrapped each cake pop herself, and tied them with a pretty little tulle bow.  At the garage sale we displayed the cake pops and cookies next to the "cashier."  Do you know what sold out?  Not the all-American chocolate chip cookies.  Cake pops.  I've never been so pleased to be wrong!  Her smile was a mile wide, and what a sweet affirmation her baking skills.  Sadly, I didn't get any photos of her completed work, but I did snap these ones of her working away.
One very kind gentleman asked "what are these?"  He'd never heard of a cake pop, and said he better try one.  A bit after he left...he came back and bought four more!  The next day our friend found a business card in her mailbox from the same gentleman asking if he could order more cake pops for a work function.  Eek!  Ava was over the moon.  She made an order for him to take to work, and just like that...my girl is in business!
Our sweet friends ordered some cake pops and cookies for her graduation celebration.  I am so proud of this little lady.  She took this on and made these all on her own.  They also ordered little cake pop "bouquets" for the graduates at church.
Our favorite Jory Sue seemed to like them, she had four or five.

....and just for FUN because we love our Colt Walker Jones, Ava made cake pops and his very own smash cake for his 1st birthday. I think he liked it!
Our sweet friends scored a free display that Ava took on as a project and painted. Flowers, eggs, and baked goods! 
(photo of cart by Shira)

December 31, 2017

December 2017

This is traditionally a very busy month!  We managed to squeeze in a lot of fun!

This melted my heart. My sweet baby girl left this for Brian and I on our bed. Bibles. Notes. Rocks with a note of love on them.

December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

We were dreaming of a white Christmas.....and we got one!!!  Both the kids were really sad that we missed the Christmas Eve service, for the first time, and both said that was their favorite at Christmas.  Candlelight service is beautiful.

November 30, 2017

November 2017

An amazing trip to our state's capitol!  The kids were able to meet the treasurer and a representative of the house.  Such a great experience for them!

My baby girl has her first paycheck! What? She is an incredible babysitter. Better even than I was, go Ava go. Love you sweet girl.