February 27, 2017

p.e. fail...but super cool scar in the works

The mom's workout completed.  Sitting inside visiting with the lovely Mrs. Courtier.  P.E. underway led by the amazing Mrs. Jones.  Just about to grab a quick shower...."Mrs. Coury, Mrs. Coury, Mrs. Coury!!!!!!"  I was rushed by several children, all saying Noah needed me and that he fell.  Adrenaline rush?  Check.

As I ran out to the garage I heard him screaming/crying.  That is not a sound any mama wants to hear.  My heart dropped into my toes.  I found him on the garage floor, grabbing his knee, and clearly very distraught.  It took a minute to get him to let go so I could see what happened.  He was doing a step up and slipped, landing on his knee and opening up a pretty nasty gash.  Thankfully blood doesn't really bother me (as long as it isn't mine), and double thankful for friends who stayed calm and helped me get the kids loaded up in the car.  It was pretty clear he was going to need stitches.  Carrying him to the car was interesting.  He's not exactly a little guy!  Thank goodness Mrs. Jones makes me work out hard and I could handle carrying him.

We had ice, we had a cloth to stop the bleeding (although there wasn't too much), and we had one AMAZING sister who kept him distracted the whole way to Urgent Care. Seriously.  Ava was incredible.  She held the ice on his knee, she sat right next to him in the car, and never really left his side.  For all those rough days between these two, they really do love each other.

I called Brian from the car and tried to break this to him as gently as I possibly could.  How does one break the news that one is driving one's child to Urgent Care for stitches, without alarming the other parent?!  Apparently, I failed.  I was very calm, but Brian just wanted me to spit it out...not tell him everything is going to be ok.  Ah well, hopefully I won't ever have to do this again.

By the time we pulled into Urgent Care Noah was completely fine.  He had the iPod and was thoroughly distracted.  He needed both internal and external stitches.  I'll spare you the open wound image, but the stitched up wound is pretty great.  This is going to make one cool scar.

We went back into Urgent Care after 14 days to have the stitches removed. They told us to just be careful and it should be good. Um. Wrong. Noah is an eight year old boy. He was outside, just playing around as boys normally do, and barely went down on one knee. In the house he comes, and I hear the words no one wants to hear..."uh mom, I think we have a problem." The wound reopened. Perfect.

Brian took him back down to Urgent Care. Here's something I didn't know...if your stitched wound reopens you can't restitch it. Nope. Too much risk for infection because the wound is set. Bah! Not only that, but we have to keep it very very clean and just let it heal. Do you know how hard it is to keep an eight year old, very active, boy from playing? He is supposed to take it easy and let the wound heal. Oh, and it's basketball season. Super.

Good news. We saw our wonderful pediatrician, she made me feel much better. The wound should heal in a few days, not weeks, and Noah can play. I love her. The words I needed to hear. He can be a boy and play!

The wound has since healed, and as we thought....super awesome scar.

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