December 25, 2013

christmas continued...

Traditions have changed over the course of time, and this year is no exception.  Nana thought at one point she might not come either, but that was BEFORE she knew her next grand baby would be born just in time for Christmas.  While we were sad papa had to stay in Arizona, we were very happy nana would be coming up to meet sweet baby Lucy.

After a delicious breakfast, playing with new things, and watching a movie we were ready to head to the airport and pick up nana!!!!  (Brian stayed behind to finish the yummy turkey he would bring to the McPhee's later).

Ahhhhh, nana bliss.

Auntie planned ahead and came through with amazing new jammies for Ava. It's a good thing she needed a few projects to keep her busy before Lucy was born. We were more than happy to oblige her in this area!
UPDATED:  This is what I get for blogging six months worth at once.  My MOM made the Star Wars pants for Noah, which I totally knew because she made him an awesome sheet and pillowcase!  Sorry mom, aka Nana.

Uncle Seth strikes gold. Nicely done little brother.

I think right after Ava bought her American Girl doll she came up with the request for nana to make Saige a matching "Sisters" dress. Nana did NOT disappoint. It was amazing. As you can see from the look of sheer delight on Ava's face.

....and Noah was equally thrilled with his Darth Vader get-up.
Even with all the new toys and activities going on, Noah still requested to play with Uncle Isaac's Star Wars "guys." So good.
Excellent Christmas. I hope all our friends and family we weren't able to spend the day with had and equally wonderful day. Merry Christmas!


  1. I can't take credit for the Star Wars pants -- that was all Nana! :) Love these pictures!
